[episode 62] Sabbatical Lessons Learned

Apr 07, 2022

Fresh off of a 3-week sabbatical in sunny Florida, I have many things to speak on, but most poignantly… I think it’s time we address our profession’s relationship with rest. 

As a chronic health issue began to rear its ugly head once more this winter, I couldn’t ignore my gut feeling telling me that a period of prolonged rest is what was needed. But I wasn’t ready to wrestle with the thoughts of “How dare she?” and “Must be nice…” that echoed in my brain. 

I followed my intuition, much to the chagrin of others who couldn’t understand my reasoning, and have some tales to tell from the other side of it. 

What’s in it for you in this episode…

  • How the “Give, Love, Serve” mission of Chiropractic can often leave us sick and depleted
  • How the duration of your “time off” can impact the restorative benefits you receive
  • What breakthroughs may surface when you remove distractions allow yourself sufficient time and space to just ~think~


Interested in learning more about the VIP experience I’m offering for female chiros in 2022? Send me a DM on Instagram!


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