Illuminate Your Practice

A podcast for women in chiropractic

[episode 50] Releasing Energy for a Healthier, More Authentic Life

Oct 14, 2021

Showing a little bit of vulnerability with this one…

But lately I’ve been REALLY struggling with a shortness of breath.

And often as providers (let me know if you relate to this) we have so much knowledge that it can become overwhelming to know where to start and who to listen to when it comes to our own health. 

But recently I had an a-ha moment that my shortness of breath is coming from something much deeper…

Today’s podcast episode is a bit of a vulnerable storytime, but it’s also a lesson in how our physical symptoms always have an energetic root cause. 

And I hope it will be an open invitation for you to look inward at what you need to release to live your healthiest, most authentic life, too. 


Here’s the link to Episode 22: Healing Bodies with an Imperfect Body


If you’re enjoying the podcast can you help us reach our goal of 100 reviews?? 

  • I’m sharing them live on the show and will send you a chiro swag bag! Just send me a DM on Instagram after you do! 


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[episode 49] The Magic in “Doing the Work”

Oct 07, 2021

Do you feel like you’re doing all the things right … without any growth? 

You’re doing all the tactical things people are telling you to do to grow your practice, but you’re just not seeing the results everyone else seems to be?

What if I told you it’s most likely because you’re not doing the “real work.” 

The mental & emotional work you need to grow personally BEFORE you can grow professionally. 

This week’s episode is all about the magic in “doing the work.” 

I’ll reveal what happened at camp and how you can implement the breakthroughs in your own life. 


Let's keep the conversation going:

How to work with Dr. Krysti:

Interested in joining me on the podcast? Reach out to...

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[episode 48] Mindset Moment: The Power of Energy

Sep 30, 2021

Today’s episode is all about understanding and embracing the power of energy in your life and practice. 

This mindset moment comes directly from a VERY interesting comment from one of Dr. Andrea’s patient’s as they were looking over her scans… 

After you listen I want you to ask yourself: 

What would change for you if you looked at everything as incoming energy and it was up to you on how you harness it…? 

Join us in the free FB group for women in chiropractic and let us know your answer! - Illuminated Insiders (over 875+ women and counting!)


Let's keep the conversation going:

How to work with Dr. Krysti:

Interested in joining me on the podcast? Reach out to me here

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[episode 47] From "I Do" to Biz Partners

Sep 23, 2021

Have you ever thought about going into business with your significant other…? Or just curious what happens behind the scenes when the wife is the CEO?

My husband Joe joins me on the podcast this week to talk through the 4 main lessons we’ve learned after over 10 years of being business partners.

We are definitely not perfect at this – and it has NOT been easy … but we’ve evolved so much to get to where we are now, and these are the 5 things that changed everything. 


Let's keep the conversation going:

How to work with Dr. Krysti:

Interested in joining me on the podcast? Reach out to me here

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[episode 46] Culture Commitments: How to attract & retain the RIGHT team

Sep 22, 2021

How many of you are struggling to attract & retain GREAT team members? I’ve been hearing it more and more … especially with all the craziness going on in the world right now. 

I’m diving into my thoughts & how to live your culture out loud with Culture Commitments on today’s podcast episode (and no it’s not just your “airy fairy” core values or generic mission statement)! 

Join me at the WDC 2021 UNconvention on October 15-17, 2021. I will be speaking at the event and also have a booth, so definitely stop by to say hello!


Let's keep the conversation going:

How to work with Dr. Krysti:

Interested in joining me on the podcast? Reach out to me here

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[episode 45] Practice Design 101: Creating your dream office space

Sep 21, 2021

Snowballing off of the design inspiration I’m feeling with the upcoming launch of Crane and Arrow, I wanted to share my tips for maximizing the aesthetic experience inside your practice!

What most docs don’t realize is that the patient experience is wildly affected by the physical surroundings of your office. The colors, signage, front desk all leaves a lasting effect on how people FEEL while within the walls of your practice. 

This episode is chock full of effective, easy to implement tactics that will remind you, your staff, and your patients that they are in the right place.

Video tour of our latest practice renovation at River Shores Chiropractic!

My ONLY source for Chiro-focused wall art! Park Ave Prints is simply the best.


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[episode 44] MINDSET MOMENT: Brake Before You Break

Sep 02, 2021

After a week off to travel, prioritize and recenter, I’m delivering a message to those that need a break. The women that desperately need to press pause for a breather, but don’t feel like they have the time or truly deserve one. Because there’s a voice in their head telling them to keep pushing further, faster. 

If this is you... Hi! I’m Krysti and we have a lot in common *facepalm* 

The past two weeks helped me identify the limiting beliefs I’ve been grasping on to for too long, and I finally gave myself permission to let them go. And I’m ready to help you let yours go, too.


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How to work with Dr. Krysti:

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[episode 43] So, I did a thing...

Aug 19, 2021

I’ve finally taken the plunge on something I’ve been silently dreaming of for a year now... Will it shock you? Likely, yes. Am I beyond excited? Also yes!

In this episode I’ll reveal my newest endeavor, how it lights me up inside, and why you should follow your arrow wherever it points. 


🚨 ​​BREAKING: On average, members of the Illuminated Squad that have been with us for 1 year + have grown their collections by 82%...!!

The amazing thing’s not outrageous to see results like this when you’re in a group of like-minded women who uplift you every day. It’s the average. 

Thursday, August 19th is the last day to join your Illuminated Squad and save $100 on your first month of membership!

Join the Illuminated Squad


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[episode 42] Mandate Madness

Aug 12, 2021

A good chunk of our patient base was shaken this week as they were forced to choose between their employment and their medical freedom. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many tears shed in our office, and the heartbreak in their voices was palpable. 

This quick episode will serve you if you’re having similar conversations in your office, and I’ll offer some creative ways to give them a helping hand through this troubling time.


My coaching group - The Illuminated Squad - is only accepting 10 new members between now and August 19th. Activate now and save $100 on your first month of membership!

Join the Illuminated Squad


Let's keep the conversation going:

How to work with Dr. Krysti:

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[episode 41] The Anxious Doc

Aug 04, 2021

Have you been more anxious lately, or is it just me? Sometimes the mental exertion of being a healer can take its toll, and I’m no exception. 

What does anxiety look like to you?

For me, it’s spending too much time ruminating on the same things. A constant stream of “what-ifs” on a hamster wheel in my head. Not sleeping well because my brain just won’t quiet down.  

I have a trusty arsenal of 5 tools that I engage whenever an anxiety spiral rears its ugly head. Some may be new to you, some may be obvious, but if they can provide similar relief for you as they do for me, then it's worth it.


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How to work with Dr. Krysti:

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